如何用 chrome 的 shell 工具提取 FydeOS 的 firmware 驱动固件 (For You 11.4 Surface Pro 5)

under Notes of Programming  tag Surface  FydeOS  ChromeOS    Published on February 12th , 2021 at 02:09 am

Ctrl+Alt+T 打开 Chronos Terminal 命令行工具

cp -rvf /lib/firmware/ /home/chronos/u-61a50a5296de996f1f969ed6c44d785e4ff40501/MyFiles/Downloads/
注意: u-61a50a5296de996f1f969ed6c44d785e4ff40501该字段可能随FydeOS版本变化而变化,此处仅作参考。

English Version:

How to use the chrome shell to get firmware of FydeOS (For You 11.4 Surface Pro 5)

  1. Ctrl+Alt+T Open Chronos Terminal
  2. input: shell
  3. input: cp -rvf /lib/firmware/ /home/chronos/u-61a50a5296de996f1f969ed6c44d785e4ff40501/MyFiles/Downloads/
Notice: u-61a50a5296de996f1f969ed6c44d785e4ff40501 maybe different.
Just for example here.

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  文章最后更新时间为:February 15th , 2021 at 09:11 am
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